Selasa, 02 Agustus 2016

Taking A Break

Hello friends. This is just a short and sweet blog post by way of an overdue explanation. Due to many reasons, none of which i will go into detail about, i have decided to take a break from my blog, and from all official swatching/PR duties. I don't know for how long this will continue, but i do hope at the very least to start blogging again one day (not so sure about swatching & PR, i am enjoying not having the stress of that crushing me completely, because it is stressful and it is most certainly not easy).

In the meantime, i still paint my nails on the very regular for my own enjoyment (which was how this blog was born), you can follow me on Instagram - - if you would like to continue to get a daily dose of AnnaBean's Nails (and a fuck tonne of other stuff too!), and there is always my Facebook page - - which is purely nailcentric (for those who don't want to see my cats/nature/wildlife photography).

Thanks for reading, and for sticking around. I'll see you again soon I hope!

Love, Anna x

P.S. Here's what's on my nails currently - Nails Inc "Eaton Terrace" :)

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