Jumat, 18 April 2014

Freckles Polish Swatches & Review

Hello friends! I have three new Freckles Polish shades to introduce to you today! They are all from a new range of holographic polishes which will be released next Friday, 25th April. 

More info after the pictures!

"French Martini"

French Martini is a rich, deep plum/purple with a softly linear holographic finish. Really good formula - well pigmented and very smooth to apply. Suffers somewhat from dulling when top coat is applied, but the holographic finish does return after about five minutes or so. I had to work quickly to make the most of the sunshine so my pictures are without top coat. I applied two coats of French Martini, and it covered my nails perfectly.


"Blue Hawaii"

Blue Hawaii is a pale, ever-so-slightly dirty aquamarine with a softly linear holographic finish. Again, the formula on this was very good although I didn't load my brush up enough for a couple of nails so I was left with slight patchiness - this was user error, not the fault of the polish. As with French Martini, this also suffers somewhat from dulling when top coat is applied, so my pictures are shown without top coat - the holographic finish does return a short while after top coating. I applied two coats of Blue Hawaii, and it covered my nails perfectly.


"Scattered Holo Topcoat"

(Intentionally blurred to show the holographic sparkles better)

Scattered Holo Topcoat is just that - a scattered holographic top coat. Very similar to China Glaze "Fairy Dust" but I think the particles in this are slightly more densely packed in. The particles are very fine, and they dry completely smooth. Formula wise, it was good, the particles are well suspended and spread out nicely, although it did take slightly longer to dry than some polishes. I applied one coat over a pale pink creme, with quick drying top coat to seal it all.

These polishes (apart from Scattered Holo Topcoat which is available NOW!) and more will be available from the Freckles Polish Etsy store from Friday 25th April onwards. You can also keep up to date with all the Freckles Polish news on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Thanks for reading, and come back again soon :) x

**Products provided for honest, unbiased review**

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Freckles Polish Swatches & Review
4/ 5