Senin, 04 Juli 2016

Jamberry Nail Wraps Review

Hey everyone! I've got something a little different to share with you today, in the shape of a review some of you may be sceptical of. Jamberry wraps have been on my radar for quite a long time, I was aware of them when they were mainly in the US, but recently they expanded to the UK and so they became a bit closer on my radar. I was approached by a number of reps to review the products, but I wasn't interested. I'm sure you've all heard the rumours, that their wraps ruin your nails, that they're not very good quality, and that their reps can be exceptionally pushy. Recently I was asked to host an event, and I was later told that this would be for Jamberry. I was left with a bit of dilemma, as I had been excited to host the event, but I'd also heard negative things about the brand. So I decided to bite the bullet and try the wraps for myself first. Why write them off before I'd even given them a chance? I decided that if I liked them, I'd do the event, and if I didn't, then I wouldn't, that way I wouldn't be supporting a brand that I didn't like or agree with.

I received a number of wraps* to try out, plus their mini heater*, application kit*, deluxe tool kit* and their cuticle oil pen*. I hadn't realised they did so many products, I thought it was just wraps and nothing else, but they've actually got some great tools too. For those who aren't aware, Jamberry wraps are heat activated. This works with a hair dryer, but their mini heater makes things that little bit easier, and I was definitely thankful for it in the end. (Full review after the jump)

There are over 300 different Jamberry nail wraps so you're spoilt for choice, and you can always mix and match designs. I chose the simple lilac leaf design out of the designs I was sent, and applied them to my 'cinderella' hand so I could test them for more than a few days. I used this tutorial on the Jamberry youtube channel to help me apply them, but I also watched quite a few from consultants to double check everything and make sure I was getting it right. 

I found application relatively easy, the heater definitely helped, it's quite similar to applying gels in the sense that you need to prep the nail beforehand with alcohol wipes etc. I've found with nail wraps in the past that they don't really stick to my nail, mainly because my nails are an awkward shape. Especially on my cinderella hand, which I never really photograph as my middle finger is slightly odd-shaped after years of writing. However, once heat was applied to the wraps they became much more durable, meaning I could stretch them to fit as I wished, and I could also use the heat to manipulate them into the right position. 

Although, my pointer finger (which I applied first) was noticeably rubbish in comparison to my other nails. I should have probably practised first before wearing them for a whole week, but I think it's testament to how easy they are to apply that the rest of the nails were absolutely fine, so I only needed to 'practice' on one nail. They're also very tough, as they're meant to be, so I found it quite hard to file the end of the wrap off, I found I had to use quite a bit of force with the file. 

In terms of removal, I was dreading this part the most, as I'd heard a few rumours that they damage your nails, part of the reason why I applied them to my cinderella hand. But, and I'm not just saying this, removal was really easy, and didn't damage my nails at all. I think the problem with the rumours is that they originate from the kind of people who think gels damage your nails because they pick them off, the answer is NOT TO PICK. They'll be fine if you follow the proper removal process

So to answer my own questions:

  • Do their wraps ruin your nails? Not at all, mine didn't even have a scratch. 
  • Are they not very good quality? They're definitely good quality, they're very tough, and you can stretch them to fit your nails better, and they lasted me an entire week without chipping or peeling, until I had to remove them to test the removal process. 
  • Are their reps exceptionally pushy? Not that I've seen in the UK, it is their job after all to push you a bit, but I think that some of the US reps have given a bad name to the rest. I've not dealt with any directly so I can't be sure, but I'd always recommend doing your research first. From my experience of having directly dealt with Jamberry, the company itself seems much better than I had previously believed. 

As a quick note, I don't want to be seen as 'selling out' by doing this event, I was only happy to do it once I knew the products were worth my support, and to finally put the rumours to rest that had been preventing me from trying out the brand. I don't often use nail wraps, as I can of course create the designs myself, but for a quick design that you don't need to wait to dry, these are great, and I'll definitely be reaching for them again at some point. 

What do you think? Have you ever tried Jamberry? Would you ever? Let me know in the comments!

*Some of the products in this post were provided to me for review, all opinions are entirely my own and were not influenced in any way

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