Kamis, 24 Maret 2016

My Favourite Nail Polish Colour?

I'll give you three guesses what my favourite nail polish colour is. Hint: look at the picture! Whilst you might see a lot of pink now and again, light blue is definitely a firm favourite. I love it as a base for nail art, as the picture below demonstrates, but I also love to use it in nail art too. Calibre Furniture* recently wrote to me and asked me what my favourite colour was, and I knew without hesitation. Colour is so important in art, and light blue has always been my favourite right from the start. In fact, a couple of months ago I realised there hadn't been any blue nails on my blog for a couple of weeks, what was the next post once I realised? Blue nails of course, even my logo is blue! (Although I change it for individual pictures, it's originally blue). Calibre have also created a graphic all about the psychology of colour, I found it an interesting read so I've attached it after the jump (it also includes a quote from me). I don't know what light blue design I'll create next, but I'm sure there will be many! 

What do you think? Let me know in the comments! 

*This post was sponsored by Calibre Furniture, all opinions are my own and I would never accept a sponsorship if it wasn't something I was truly interested in

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My Favourite Nail Polish Colour?
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