Kamis, 25 Februari 2016

Paint All The Nails Presents Marble

Hey everyone! Today is Paint All The Nails' link up day, and this month we're doing marble nails. There's so many different ways to interpret this prompt, there's water marbling, or stone marble nails, but both of those involve water. Instead I wanted to create something that wouldn't make me want to flip my desk over, so I went with my old favourite: saran wrap. It's such a quick way to get the look you want. I wanted to try something a little different so I went with this half and half look. I also create a tutorial for these over at Divine Caroline so you can see that here if you want to create these yourself.

You can see all the colours I used in my tutorial here

What do you think? Let me know in the comments!

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Paint All The Nails Presents Marble
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