Kamis, 13 November 2014

A 2 Z: C Is For Copy Cat

Hey internet! Week three of our A 2 Z Blog Series is here, and we are on the letter C, which stands for the prompt "Copy Cat". As you are about to see, mama Bean and I have created the exact same manicure, but the question is: Did mama Bean copy me or did I copy mama Bean? Let's have a look!

We started with a base of Nfu.Oh "FS16" (which does have an alternate name but I can't remember it) - a neon purple - and stamped a lacy design from Born Pretty plate BP-02 using a white Sally Hansen polish.

Here am I:

Here is mama:

And here are both of us with our copy cat nails:

Don't forget to check out the A 2 Z Hub Page to check out everybody else's interpretations of this theme, and come back next week for another installment!

Thanks for reading :) x

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A 2 Z: C Is For Copy Cat
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