Jumat, 04 Juli 2014

OPI "Eurso Euro" & Violet Rose "Fairy Glen"

Hello folks! I have a really pretty nail polish to show you today, from an upcoming UK indie brand called "Violet Rose". They aren't quite ready to launch yet but I will be sure to keep you updated.

The name of the Violet Rose polish I have to show you is "Fairy Glen", and it is beatiful. It is an iridescent shimmer with a duochome shift from blue to purple, with solver holo hexes in differing sizes. It is sheer, so it is perfect for layering. Today I have chosen to layer it over a navy creme - OPI "Eurso Euro".

On to the pictures! Firstly is two coats of OPI "Eurso Euro" (without top coat):

And here is Eurso Euro with two coats of Violet Rose "Fairy Glen", and top coat:

Such a pretty polish!! It is also really versatile, I have experimented with it over a variety of colours, light and dark, and it gives a beautiful look to all of them - over dark colours the duochrome shift really comes alive, and over lighter colours it looks really ethereal. Formula was trouble free - not too thick, easy to apply, average dry time. 

You can keep up to date with Violet Rose on their Facebook page for all the news :)

Thanks for reading, and come back again soon :) x

**This post features one polish from my personal collection and one which was provided for honest, unbiased review**

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OPI "Eurso Euro" & Violet Rose "Fairy Glen"
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