Kamis, 23 April 2015

A 2 Z: X is for eXtra Special

Hey friends. Today's post is going to be an emotional one for me to write, so bear with me. I apologise if it brings you down or upsets you, but I have to do this.

Today's A 2 Z theme is "X is for eXtra Special". I wasn't sure what to do at first, I was thinking along the lines of using a polish which is special to me, but I couldn't pick just one. Then it hit me. There is one thing more special, more precious to me than anything else, and that is my beloved, sadly departed dog Scrappy. Scrappy was born in August 2008. He was the most amazing, happy, joyful dog you could ever imagine, and we spent two of the most wonderful years of my life together. Until, in October 2010, Scrappy became unwell. We had to watch him suffer greatly, see the life drain away from him as he became paralysed from his waist down. It wasn't until almost two ago months later that the vets were able to finally diagnose his problem, by which time it was far too late to be able to help him: he had an inoperable, incurable tumor inside his spinal cord. He was by then far too weak to even contemplate surgery, that is if it would even have helped anyway - it was in a very high risk area and he had already totally lost control of the lower half of his body. So, to my utter despair, we had to do what was right in that situation, and end my little bean's suffering. He was put to sleep on December 6th 2010, and a part of me has been missing ever since. He was my soul mate, I loved him like I never though possible and for those two painfully short years, I was the happiest I have ever been. I rarely speak about Scrappy, but I think about him constantly, not a day goes by without me remembering his beautiful face and the endless joy he gave me. It still hurts me just as much and I am in floods of tears as I type this, I miss him so very very much.

So with that in mind, here is my "eXtra Special" manicure, inspired by Scrappy's beautiful angel white and black splodged coat, and his odd blue eye:

(This is Scrappy's Snoopy toy, he loved it treated it like a baby during his final weeks with us)

And here is a little collage of pictures of my Scrappy bean :)

Check the A 2 Z Blog Series Hub Page by clicking here, and come back next week for another installment.

Thanks for reading x

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A 2 Z: X is for eXtra Special
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