Kamis, 06 November 2014

A 2 Z: B is for "Bold"

Hi there folks! Time for another installment of the A 2 Z Series. This week we are on the letter B, and B is for Bold! I have to confess this is a lazy, cheaty post from me. It's been a bit of a crappy week here and I am too tired to think of an original idea today, so I am recycling yesterday's manicure, which just so happens to be what I consider a very bold colour.

It's Colors By Llarowe "Gemini Rising", an insanely bright, saturated green linear holo which doesn't photograph accurately - it's even more vivid and amazing in reality. My pictures show two coats & top coat:

And now for Mama Bean's turn. She has chosen a bold white and red crackle design, using Sinful Colors "Snow Me White" as the base and OPI "Red Shatter" as the crackle, and finished with top coat:

As always, don't forget to check the A 2 Z Hub Page to see everybody else's posts, and come back again next week for another installment.

Thanks for reading :) x

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A 2 Z: B is for "Bold"
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